티스토리 뷰

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Measures to strengthen the crackdown, announced ☞ doubt: I know the government measures in advance funds liquidated in the month before allegations red core private equity fund is estimated to not have been that profitability is much damage to yield 30% ◆ Blue Core Value-Up No. 1 (Fatherland Fund) History ① '17 .7 May homeland family owned 1.4 billion (10.5 billion + family homeland motherland brother-in-law family 3.5 billion) ② '17 .8 23.5 billion in May (13.5 billion capital +

Loss Wolsong Unit 1 closed: 592.5 billion won loss strewn 1,2 stop new nuclear power: 313.6 billion won loss Shinhan wool 3,4 breath stop new nuclear power plants: nuclear 153.9 billion won loss ride over trillions to 21 years need 232 trillion won loss Kingdom Nigeria Saudi orders fail 22 trillion won loss a subsequent decades ttajimyeon to manage costs more than the loss of hundreds of one trillion won culprit nuclear daechae social burden fine dust in LNG over trillions sources of air pollution thermal power plant to nuclear exports fail

Stop: 153.9 billion won loss ride nuclear power 21 years 232 trillion won needed Nigeria Saudi orders failed more than trillions lost United Kingdom 22 trillion won loss a nuclear export fails, the trillions of fine dust of hundreds of one trillion won more than lost nuclear daechae ttajimyeon to decades of administrative costs since the LNG the main cause of the social burden of air pollution two won significant over-fired power plants under construction. Full of toxins in solar power plant construction and environmental degradation introduced. Solar projects in forest land lost Yeouido area of ​​deforestation to 150 times the costs of recovering 100 billion over the city gas ratio was 4.6% hike gyeongyuse know speak impression impression geonboryo fare hikes comprehensive real estate tax hike surplus to deficit in health insurance finances dolahseom Moon Jae-In care cases to tax

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