티스토리 뷰

Additional decided to install strengthen quarantine on all travelers coming from Wuhan to. Last is the 14th in Wuhan visited a respiratory infection, if you see symptoms such as fever quarantine policy to be immediately admitted to public hospitals. Details are additional checks in connection with this incident was to publish daily. That the World Health Organization (WHO) also earn a Task Force with respect to the situation in Wuhan disease early warning system is operating properly, the relevant

And the like sinusitis. China Wuhan Angry Fish Market. / Photo = singyeongbo The Hong Kong authorities have admitted for treatment after three people in the isolation ward. Fortunately, two of them were state gotta improved hospital, and 1 more brightness has shown a high fever symptoms. The three of them had visited Wuhan, did not come to go mad (華南) Fish Market, known as the source of the pneumonia outbreak authorities said. 27 patients suffering from pneumonia of unknown cause is that the most recent angry fish market traders, local media reported. All of these infectious diseases specialist treatment institutions

Doeja Chinese side is scrambling to ipdansok arrested eight people, including spreading the facts online. 3 According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post (SCMP) Hong Kong authorities said the three hongkongin held recently in Wuhan boyeotdago a high fever and upper respiratory tract infections (上 氣 道 感染) symptoms. Upper respiratory tract infections are the words up without a nose and throat infections, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and sinusitis. China Wuhan Angry Fish Market. / Photo: The singyeongbo

'Reaper flow Cipro. There is fear of the plague, and African swine fever (ASF) increased US CDC · Wikipedia provides the country. I am worried about whether or not the Black Death plague bacterium patients that have flowed into the country one after another, as occurred in China. Some recent gotta Social Network Service (SNS) is spread plague bacteria into the air were also rumors that the wind may be infected with the projections. Here are rumored to eat pork infected with the ASF person can be infected also amplifies the anxiety. However

It appears, or the like (lymph Fest) pneumonia and a fever chills (lung plague) accompanied. Septicemia plague seems a fatal lapse in case of vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal symptoms begin to disseminated intravascular coagulation, acute respiratory failure, renal failure, decreased consciousness, continue to shock. Person to person infection or contact with body fluids such as pus or deceased patients

Respiratory spread through droplet (chimbangul) pulmonary plague patients is possible. Plague Fest # # # # China plague plague symptoms imne @ fnnews.com Hong Wisdom gotta press reported that China's Hubei Province, Wuhan City outbreaks of unknown causes pneumonia at health authorities decided to strengthen the quarantine. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that three days starting the "Wuhan City unexplained pneumonia task force, as reported pneumonia occurs in groups in China, Hubei Province, Wuhan City, and strengthen quarantine for arrivals. China's Hubei Province, Wuhan City Sanitation Health Board is under quarantine treatment of a patient's pneumonia occurred in 27 people Wuhan City last December 31, close contact was announced that monitoring. But three days

It is time to flea bites. Rats fed through such a flea bite or suck the blood of a person infected rodents, dogs, cats and small mammals, body fluids and blood contact, ingestion took the plague bacteria can take the Black Death. In this regard, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDD) study published Nov. 14 in the international journal "Emerging Infectious Diseases" on the plague in the United States from 1970 to 2017

The police says that the day before to disseminate false information to an online process according to eight people kkichin a bad influence on society in the law, and urged the public not to disseminate unverified facts or false. But the reaction of netizens in China for it is cold. Netizens have pointed out, "What the hell are rumors nya," he said "Despite the crisis occurs, because the authorities have not said all relevant information to the public distribution ahninya information." Very serious and South Korea is a strict and rigorous management need to quarantine

We set out in the said block excessive fear spread of infection is very low possibility. Another special but personal protective measures where necessary to wash hands frequently to prevent the spread of people gather lots are advised to avoid as much as possible. But it fears plague the Chinese can not sit easily subside. Almost every year the plague deaths occur and Ido authorities jyeotneunde one people died in September this year,

Onset has ㄷㅎ f) Now China unexplained pneumonia in growing hanabwa should also be careful in Macau "Black Death 100% mortality old saying ... Antibiotic treatment within 24 hours, "held in Wuhan 3 people in Hong Kong 'balkak' symptoms high fever ...中 authorities 'ipdansok' patient two people, wijung .. China plague contacts are "isolated off" 中 Wuhan City pneumonia outbreak .. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese arrivals in quarantine strengthen unexplained diffuse pneumonia symptoms [= EDAILY New Year's correspondent in Beijing - Black Death in Beijing (Pest, plague) patients with 2 people
