티스토리 뷰

Not left "and" Where are these people giving suffering to go to work in the field allows you to proudly told, "Sodding and befriend ', is hearts deuriryeo is possible to take a sweet and friendly," said the deep reasons. #Rs Lee, Jae - Wook mine. ... I shall dwell value was ... because you guys are fans Drawing name mwonyago've been spending my fans motjeong ... (scratching)

Likes. My favorite of the most common eating apples during fruit (laughter) - I liked this work the reaction, when the atmosphere is jongbangyeon wonder what about. ▶ hustle beokjeok had eaten a meal to see the images gathered more than planned personnel. That takes a lot of autographs, ask around those unexpected fan signing event for all actors

A strong sense of responsibility. Which actors and also there is no wall will look to get close without hesitation this was impressive. Grade 2 to a peaceful two is hard to call themselves the "mood maker" seven virtues seem half were students can get to know everyone. Actually, as a classmate

Left've ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ been holding'll see as ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ to open 2000000000000000000 drinking sweetened presented Suzhou esophageal body that soju are jinmichae blah already drink come steamed Iing Vibe Drawing blah ㅋㅋㅋ language daily and commitment charge automatically exit out to help with in ㅋㅋㅋ beside him pouring blah ㅋㅋㅋ starting with the high-cut pictorial articles in the morning Best Lee eopdet Uh day date steel cut jongbangyeon yirang Nike line love awards schedule is also open jaeuk the two or inbyeol

It is more aeteut. - said one last goodbye to the audience in the main versions of Onam. ▶ The formal declaration by! I'll go ahead gimyoungdae will find you a better look! Since this summer, late fall, early winter, want to bottom I like to pass the word love a lot of those who submitted 'er day,' Thank me ur best so far

Jongbangyeon people haetdae gathered reporters withdrawal ever-class air day jongbangyeon and know-minute relevant one hasyeoseo went ohsyeotneunde review is blah ㅋㅋㅋ gimyoungdae "" Uh day 'main contacts M', since 'mageol Las' nickname blossomed "is" let's go hang out by ourselves' nor were talking about coming out. In the set

In can be seen in the figure was quite a bit of thinking and acting. - 'er day "after a popular feeling. ▶'ve been doing a lot of parents are opposed when I said the first time the actor is now submitted a lot of asking sign. The response was good around the topicality.

Looks like you like to say I heard there was Onam week that nature is not at all resemble the Onam Caution "heodang group ', unskilled part 2%. "My girls loved the Strawberry", the written language ambassador "to declare a formal one is the Yeoju me forward women" and Onam care representatives. How was the audience reaction. ▶ also fun to look at you like he jusimyeonseo teasing. Asked Questions Who approached Yeoju

It is cheerful. Even though there was no difficulty when the youngest was trying to get along despite always fighting. - KakaoTalk group chat gotta itgetda also very active. ▶ Yes. Nowadays divides an interview to talk a lot of interviews. While a lot of guys talk jyeotneunde get along really it seems to be a good relationship. Yeoseo step that many have started together Newcomer

It seems good when viewers see that I look good. Yugyogwa Fashion terrorists and outsiders is also fun seems to end well set. - It was interesting that the price of a college Onam 'Strawberry deokhu', like the one on usual strawberries. ▶ than in reality strawberry apples, mangoes, pears
